Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bliss with Sai has Moved

Bliss with Sai has moved to www.blisswithsai.com

Please visit the new website.

Divine Intelligence

In this Quick Wisdom video, I share some insights on
Divine Intelligence and how to tap into it. Check it out!

Why Did I Stop Crying?

Feb 24, 2014 @ 3.45AM – During my dream, there was an old lady wearing a white sari and rubbed some healing oil on my face.
Then as I started to walk away, I felt dizzy and asked her what she had applied on me. She did not reply, and started walking away with me.

We then saw another lady also dressed in white who was falling down the stairs, so we ran to her rescue. As she fell, I caught her on my lap. It seemed to me at the time that this lady had taken on someone else's suffering upon herself and fell due to that. The lady beside me started crying for her, and so did I. I kept looking up at the sky and screaming, "Shirdi Sai Baba, what are you doing? Why are you doing this?” We were weeping uncontrollably.

Then I had a stroke of insight during the dream, and heard myself saying "why am I crying, God knows what he is doing. Am I crying just because the other lady is crying and it's expected of me? I started to calm down, and woke up. My heart was pounding, and I was drenched in sweat.

We always witness difficult situations in our lives that make us feel sad, angry, or betrayed. However, instead of being mindful in that situation, we simply follow the reactions of the crowd. This tends to multiply the emotions.

On a cognitive level, we all understand that whatever happens is because of the will of God. In fact, it is not the will of God, but the authorization of God. It is a cause of our free-will that has resulted in the situation, and we define it as the will of God. If it truly was only God's will, then we would have complete right to blame Him for every unfortunate situation in our lives. God does not interfere with free-will; however, we can only practice free-will because of the authorization of God. It is said that not even a blade of grass can bend without God’s will.

If we believe this, then there is absolutely no reason to feel anger, sorrow, depression, or complain because it is ultimately a result of our free-will on a deeper level. We would also not question God anymore as to why certain things happen in our lives.

If we practice mindfulness, and simply not follow the crowd as it’s expected of us, we will experience a mind of calmness and clarity.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

A State of Flow

Some of us consider making a difference in the world a top priority, and we go out of our way, and even stress ourselves out just to serve. I am aware that life coaching, articles, and insights that I share, as well as some of the personal experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba and Satya Sai Baba have inspired others and transformed lives.

I have noticed that when I try to write from my ego or for the need to simply write, I am unable to do so; no matter how hard I try. However, there are other times when the insights come in with tremendous power, that I am forced to stop doing whatever it may be, and immediately start writing. And during this time, I’m in a state where the words simply flow. I feel as if I’m the instrument, and the Universe is playing the music. This is the main reason for the inconsistency in the timings of the articles.

There have been many times when I’ve tried to write at will, but the words do not come through. Now, my perspective has changed a little through another insight. Basically, It’s great to serve, but even by not serving, and just working on ourselves we can make a difference.

I’m always reminded of something I read about the Buddha. It is said that when the Buddha walked in the garden, flowers that were out of season bloomed. This was simply through his presence. This inspires me to continuously work on myself, and many others will automatically be transformed.

If the main purpose is to serve, then it doesn’t matter if it is action-based, or non-action based. However, once we surrender to the universe, action-based service becomes an effortless flow, not a self-requirement or an expectation.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Scroll from Shirdi Sai Baba

May 30th @5.55AM – Today, Shirdi Sai Baba appeared to me in a dream and handed something like a scroll or tablet. I could not figure out whether it was solid or paper. It had some text written on it that seemed like a combination of Egyptian hieroglyphics and Arabic text, but it was not in any pictorials, so I could not guess the characters. I looked at it for some time, as if trying to memorize it or decrypt it, but I could not.

I asked Shirdi Sai Baba to please translate this for me as I could not understand it. Then I noticed that instead of it being translated, it appeared clearer, as if in bold font. I then realized that it may not be translated, so I asked Shridi Sai Baba to please imprint this into my mind, and may it be revealed to me at the right time.

At that moment the text started to slowly fade away as if it was being transferred into my mind. Once the text cleared from the tablet/scroll I woke up and noticed that my t-shirt was wet from sweat, which always seems to happen when I experience such dreams.

I don’t have any insights to share from this dream, but it was just a very interesting experience.

There have been times when some dreams with Shirdi Sai Baba have been so beautiful and blissful, that I wish I had a camera in my mind to capture it.

Click here to read some of the other dreams I’ve had of Shirdi Sai Baba and Satya Sai Baba.

Monday, May 26, 2014

What's Your Life's Purpose?

Once the elevator reached our floor, my mom assisted me to get on so that I would not trip on the step. There was an elderly man already in the elevator when we entered. He felt extremely emotional when he looked at me, and asked my mom “What is wrong with this boy?”
I responded to him with a smile and said, “I have low-vision.”
I could feel the pain in his heart as he said to my mom “but he is so young.”
We just smiled and got out of the elevator, and went our own ways.

It was on that day that I realized one of my purposes in life – it’s to generate compassion within others. I always used to get offended when others would ask about my condition, or hold my hand while we walk. But today, I have realized that these individuals are not just doing me a favor, I’m also helping them by offering them an opportunity to serve.

The soul has a desire to express itself, and it can only do this through a body and the mind. This is why it chooses to incarnate on earth. It also selects the parents that will offer it the opportunity to express its desires, as well as fulfill the desires of the parents. It is a mutual understanding on a soul level.

Consider the world as a stage and all of us actors. Would you want to play the same role in every lifetime? Of course, every actor wants to attempt a variety of roles so that he can measure his potential. This is why sometimes the soul chooses a role of a hero, a villain, a comedian, or a physically/mentally disabled person. Does this mean that because you chose the role of a hero, you have more positive karma, and because you chose a role of a physically disabled person, then you have negative karma? Haven’t we noticed in so many movies that the best actor award goes to the individual who plays the role of a physically or mentally challenged person?

I invite you to consider this idea when you encounter challenges in your life. You are simply playing a certain role, and your job is to play that role in the best way that you can.

I have chosen the role of an individual with low-vision, and I am going to play this role so well that I win an award for performing in the best way that I can, with all the abilities and limitations that I chose.

What about you? Care to share?

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Raise Your Vibration

In a book titled Power vs. Force by David Hawkins, he developed a scale of consciousness, which ranges from a level of 20 to 1000 where 1000 is considered as Enlightenment and would be the level of a Buddha or Christ. At the 1000 level, life is perceived as life being simply as “it is”, without any judgment or expectation.

The lowest on the consciousness scale is the level of 20, which is described as Shame. This is a feeling closes to death where a person would prefer to be invisible than to take any action steps to move forward. At the level of shame, life is completely miserable.

Between the lowest levels of shame towards the middle (courage), we can pass through different stages, which raise our consciousness. These include guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, and pride. Once a person gains courage, he can consciously raise his vibration up the ladder towards enlightenment through willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, and peace. 

Depending on your current level of consciousness, you may need the energy of an outside force to raise your vibration or wisdom from within. As you raise your vibration, you will also realize the forces, behaviors, and entities that are lowering your vibration or energy level. 

Since all of us operate at a different level of consciousness, the techniques used to raise the vibration also vary. The greatest technique; however, is meditation.

If you are not a frequent meditator, and would like to gain mental clarity, wisdom, a quiet mind, etc., you may experience the transformational power of Life Coaching with Dino by simply clicking here

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Buddha Purnima 2014 Dream

May 14, 2014, 3.50am – I have been falling in and out of a dream state several times since the past few minutes. Whenever I’m back in the dream Satya Sai Baba appears to me. He does not say anything. As I come out of the dream state, I see a reflection of his head in front of me. This occurred about three times, and while it was happening, I remember thinking to myself, “I better stop meditating, because strange things are starting to happen again”. In any case, as I fell back into the dream state, I saw Satya Sai Baba sitting on my bed. He wasn’t looking at me, he seemed to be busy doing something, as if looking for an object in a box.

I tapped him on the shoulder and said “Swami”.
He turned towards me and stood up. He was looking young, and extremely handsome. He was wearing an orange robe, and the wall behind him was blue.
He was so pleased to see me. He shook my hand with both his hands and said “Thank you Dinesh, Thank you for being there”. As I shook his hand I remember thinking to myself, “Swami, please speak slowly, I will have to remember this to write it down”.

I believe that there was one more thing that he had said, but because that thought was running through my head I could not remember what it was. He then embraced me and said, “Spread my message”. While I was embracing him, I could see the blue wall behind him, which had a poster on it that read, “Be at your Home”. It was a white poster with black text. I then fully woke up, with my heart racing and body sweating as usual when I experience such dreams.

During the next few days, I may get more insights about the significance of this dream, which I will share on my blog Bliss with Sai. Meanwhile, I guess I need to remember Satya Sai Baba’s words “spread my message”.

UPDATE @ 7.00am - To add a little more to this – after I went back to bed, Shirdi Sai Baba appeared in my dream at around 7am, which woke me up. He was tall and wearing a peach colored robe. Honestly, I did notice him, but I was too tired to interact with him.

I later found out when I woke up that today is an auspicious day, Buddha Poornima and Full Moon.

I will share some deeper information on lucid dreaming, mindfulness, etc. in the upcoming blog post.

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Beauty of Life Coaching

Since I started Life Coaching, it has not only transformed the lives of my clients, but it has also transformed my life. Through life coaching sessions, I am able to help my clients achieve their goals and overcome their challenges by offering insights, tools, and techniques that transform their minds and empower them as well. A life coach is not a therapist or a doctor, but someone the clients can connect with on a deeper level, because the Coach has overcome similar challenges. A therapist or doctor on the other hand is more of a subject matter expert, and may lack the intuitive connection with the client.

In this article I am sharing six areas of my life that have been enhanced since I have become a Life Coach.

1. Acceptance - All of us encounter challenges in our lives that leave us confused, depressed, and ultimately drains our energy. These challenges could come as a serious medical condition, relationship issue, or a loss of a loved one.  In such severe circumstances, our friends, family members or any amount of finance cannot bear this pain for us. Being unable to foresee a solution eventually leads to fear and anxiety. By nature, in such situations, we pass through the stages of grief that include denial, anger, depression, and finally acceptance. For transformation, acceptance is the initial step, and this is where I feel that I serve my clients. My clients feel a sense of unconditional acceptance and non-judgment from me, as they know that I’m not a friend or relative with any divested interest. My purpose is simply to help them transform.

2. Compassion – This is a feeling of shared suffering for another form of life with the desire to alleviate that suffering. Compassion is often observed as a type of selfless service, generosity, or kindness. As we practice compassion our hearts open and we experience oneness with all. As I speak with more of my clients my awareness is increased, as I am exposed to such a variety of challenges that it simply opens my heart. This leads me to a feeling of gratitude for myself, while I pray for the healing of the client. Similar to acceptance, compassion has tremendous healing power, and I encourage my clients to cultivate compassion for themselves in order to experience transformation.

3. Sharing Challenges – The fact of the matter is that I am not an expert. Even I am going through my share of challenges. However, the nature and personality of the coach allows him/her to transform and transcend the challenge fairly quickly, while learning the lessons. Everyone has a challenge to share and a lesson to teach. A challenge full of pain and suffering can cultivate compassion within us. A challenge of triumph can inspire us to achieve what we are striving for.  We can feel gratitude and appreciation by hearing about a less fortunate situation, and failures encourage us to try again without quitting. Through these shared challenges, my clients are able to connect with me, as they realize that I am not an expert, I am just like them.

4. Connecting with my Higher-self – Invoking for divine guidance allows me and the client to connect with the divine intelligence. Because of this, both the client and I are in a state of ‘flow’, where we sometimes even wonder from where the wisdom is coming through. This leads to a feeling of comfort and trust between us.  This also allows us to be present in the moment and follow our intuition. Once in a while, it’s important to step out of the way and allow our higher-self to guide us.

5. Making a difference – Very often if you ask people what has made them truly happy, the response would be that they have made a difference in someone else’s life. The soul has a desire to offer its abilities to a cause greater than itself. It is believed that whenever we feel low, we must do something for someone else to make ourselves feel better. One tip that I always share with my clients is that they can easily find a cause that inspires them, and devote their time, knowledge, skills, or talents for at least an hour every week. This act of contribution brings a sense of meaning and significance to our lives.

6. Deep Inner Work – Education does not end after college, it is a life-long pursuit; and as a Life Coach, I have a yearning for learning. The universe can be our greatest teacher if we allow it to be, and all the wisdom is within us. Inner work is extremely important for me, as I can only take my clients as deep as I’ve gone myself. This means having a clear understanding of my thoughts and emotions by developing mindfulness and emotional intelligence. Due to the lack of inner work, many of us are affected by our emotions. If we can compare emotions to the waves of the ocean, the only way to avoid it is by going deep under the water. If we stay on the surface of the water, we will be knocked down by those waves. This is the true meaning of deep inner work – going deep and not allowing the emotions to affect us.

Life coaching is an extremely powerful way to transform our lives. Unfortunately, our education system does not teach us the skills to be happy and authentic. Life Coaching is true education that offers wisdom, through non-judgment and compassion. I invite you to experience Life Coachingwith Dino, it may be the most powerful transformation that you will ever experience. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Shirdi Sai Baba Healing Technique

In this article, I am sharing a healing technique that was revealed to me by Shirdi Sai Baba in a dream on April 11, 2014 in Taipei.

Since I formed a Relationship with God, I have had numerous interactions with beings of higher consciousness in my dreams, especially Shirdi Sai Baba. Sometimes, he answers my questions, showers me with Udi (sacred ashes), shows me visions of the future, and dances with me. He has also found creative ways to appear to me in my waking state, simply to affirm my faith in him. In the upcoming articles I will share many of the interactions. Previously, I was hesitant of sharing such experiences because these are my private moments with Shirdi Sai Baba and sometimes very strange. These dream sequences have become deeper over time, and recently the dreams continue even after I open my eyes. In addition, I absolutely do not doubt these dreams, as it’s written in the Shri Sai Satcharitra that Sai Baba appeared to his devotees very often in their dreams to give messages.

After these dreams I am unable to sleep as my heart is racing and my body is sweating. I also feel a heavy energy and twitching of my crown and third eye chakra. This is why I decide to type the experience immediately.

In this article I am sharing Shirdi Sai Baba’s healing technique, which he revealed to me on April 11, 2014.

Every evening around 7pm I read 1-2 chapters of the Shri Sai Satcharitra. However, last night since I was busy with other work, I apologized to Shirdi Sai Baba for not being able to read it, as I would not have been able to meet my deadline. Around 2.45am (Taiwan) I had a dream where I was reading the Shri Sai Satcharitra in front of the statue of Shirdi Sai Baba just as I do everyday in my waking state. I may have done this in my dream to compensate for not reading it during my waking state. As I was reading, I heard Shirdi Sai Baba saying to me “I am telling you how to heal yourself. Touch yourself and repeat “Sai Ram”.
My question to Shirdi Sai Baba was “Is it that simple?”. I have learned many healing techniques before, and none of them are so simple. He did not respond to my query, but in my heart I heard him say, “Are you doubting me why don’t you try it?” I then placed my right hand on the right side of my jaw and repeated Sai Ram a few times. I did not have any pain at that time so I don’t know if it worked. I then asked him if I should share this technique with others, he responded by saying “Yes, do not hide healing techniques”. I then asked “what time is it in the dream”, and the clock showed 4.45am. Immediately after that my Guru Baba Hiral Shah appeared. He was dressed in white and his face was glowing with a big smile. My mom then said to him “Did you know that Shirdi Sai Baba was here”. He continued to smile and said, “that’s very good”. He then placed his hand under my shirt and applied Udi (sacred ashes) on my heart chakra. This is where the dream ended, so I thought. When I opened my eyes I saw a being dressed in white, but I could not recognize him. I blinked slowly, and tried looking at him again, but I could not recognize him. I blinked my eyes once again, however this time I saw a being standing a little further away. He was tall and dressed in white, although I could not see his face. After I looked at him for a few seconds he disappeared.

In the dream I was told to share this healing technique with others. If you have full faith, I encourage you to adopt this healing technique.

How to practice Shirdi Sai Baba’s healing technique:
1.     Invoke the Supreme God and Shirdi Sai Baba for divine blessings, guidance, healing, love, and protection.
2.     Affirm to yourself that you are Super-receptive to the healing that is being received (this removes any rĂ©sistance in your mind/body).
3.     Place your hand(s) on the affected area of your body.
4.     Repeat “Sai Ram” as long as possible or until the pain reduces/disappears.
5.     Affirm to yourself with full-conviction that you have been healed.
6.     Humbly thank the Supreme God and Shirdi Sai Baba for the healing.

"My people do not come to me of their own accord; it is I who seek and bring them to me." - Shirdi Sai Baba 

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